List of Publication: 2012 (partial)
  • Title of paper
    Name of the author/s
    Name of journal
  • Recent progress of the RD50 Collaboration - Development of radiation tolerant tracking detectors
    Affolder, A., Aleev, A., Allport, P.P., Andricek, L., Artuso, M., Barabash, L., Barber, T., Barcz, A., Bartosik, M.R., Baselga, M., Bates, R., Battaglia, M., Benitez, V., Bernardini, J., Betancourt, C., Bhardwaj, A., Bilei, G.M., Blue, A., Bohm, J., Bomben, M., Borgia, A., Borrello, L., Bosma, M.J., Bowcock, T.J.V., Broz, J., Bruzzi, M., Brzozowski, A., Buhmann, P., Buttar, C., Calderini, G., Carna, M., Cartiglia, N., Casse, G., Centis-Vignali, M., Charron, S., Chauveau, J., Chren, D., Cihangir, S., Cindro, V., Collins, P., Cortina Gil, E., Creanza, D., Crescioli, F., Dalal, R., De Boer, W., De Palma, M., Dervan, P., Dierlamm, A., Dobos, D., Doherty, F., Dolenc Kittelmann, I., Dolezal, Z., Dolgolenko, A., Donegani, E., Driewer, A., Dutta, S., Eber, R., Eckstein, D., Eichhorn, T., Eklund, L., Eremin, I., Eremin, V., Erfle, J., Esteban, S., Fadeeva, N., Fadeyev, V., Feigl, S., Fernandez, M., Fiori, F., Flaschel, N., Fleta, C., Focardi, E., Forshaw, D., Fretwurst, E., Bates, A.G., Gabrysch, M., Gallrapp, C., Garcia, C., Garutti, E., Gaubas, E., Genest, M.-H., Gibson, S., Glaser, M., Goessling, C., Golovleva, M., Golubev, A., Gomez, G., Gorelov, I., Greco, V., Gr�goire, G., Gregor, I., Grigoriev, E., Grillo, A.A., Grinstein, S., Groza, A., Guskov, J., H�rk�nen, J., Hartjes, F.G., Hartmann, F., Hidalgo, S., Hoeferkamp, M., Horisberger, R., Houdayer, A., Hynds, D., Ibanescu, A.G., Ilyashenko, I., Jaramillo, R., Jelena, J., Jentzsch, J., Jindra, T., Junkes, A., Kalendra, V., Kaminski, P., Karpenko, A., Kaska, K., Kazuchits, N., Kazukauskas, V., Khivrich, V., Kierstead, J., Klanner, R., Klingenberg, R., Kodys, P., Koffeman, E., Kohout, Z., Konoplyannikov, A., Korolkov, I., Kozlowski, R., Kozubal, M., Kramberger, G., Kuehn, S., Kwan, S., La Rosa, A., Lacasta, C., Lange, J., Lastovetsky, V., Lazanu, I., Lazanu, S., Lebel, C., Lefeuvre, G., Lemaitre, V., Leroy, C., Li, Z., Lindstr�m, G., Litovchenko, P., Lopez, I., Loukas, D., Lozano, M., Luczynski, Z., Luukka, P., Macchiolo, A., Macraighne, A., M�enp��, T., Makarenko, L.F., Mandi?, I., Maneuski, D., Manna, N., Marchiori, G., Marco, R., Marti-Garcia, S., Marunko, S., Masek, P., Matysek, M., McDuff, H., Mekys, A., Messineo, A., Mikestikova, M., Miku�, M., Militaru, O., Milovanovic, M., Moll, M., Mori, R., Moser, H.-G., Muenstermann, D., Munoz Sanchez, F.J., Naletko, A., Neugebauer, H., Nikitin, A., Nisius, R., Nistor, L.C., Nistor, S.V., N�rnberg, A., Oblakowska-Mucha, A., Ortlepp, Th., OShea, V., Pacifico, N., Parkes, C., Parzefall, U., Passeri, D., Pawlowski, M., Pellegrini, G., Pernegger, H., Petasecca, M., Pignatel, G.U., Pintilie, I., Pintilie, L., Piotrzkowski, K., Plackett, R., Poehlsen, J., Poehlsen, Th., Polivtsev, L., Popule, J., Pospisil, S., Printz, M., Quirion, D., Radicci, V., Radu, R., Ranjan, K., Richter, R., Rodriguez, J., Roeder, R., Rogozhkin, S., Rohe, T., Rubinskiy, I., Rummler, A., Ruzin, A., Sadrozinski, H.F.W., Scaringella, M., Schumm, B., Seidel, S., Seiden, A., Shivpuri, R.K., Sicho, P., Singh, S., Slavicek, T., Solar, M., Soldevila-Serrano, U., Sopko, V., Sopko, B., Spencer, N., Spiegel, L., Steinbrueck, G., Stewart, G., Storasta, J., Surma, B., Szumlak, T., Tackmann, K., Tan, P., Terzo, S., Timo, T., Tomasek, M., Toms, K., Tsiskaridze, S., Tuboltsev, Yu., Tuominen, E., Tuovinen, E., Tuuva, T., Tylchin, M., Uebersee, H., Ull�n, M., Vaitkus, J.V., Van Beuzekom, M., Verbitskaya, E., Vila Alvarez, I., Visser, J., Vossebeld, J., Vrba, V., Wang, R., Weigell, P., Wiik, L., Wilhelm, I., Wittig, T., Wonsak, S., Wunstorf, R., Wysokinski, M., Yildirim, E., Zaluzhnyy, A., Zavrtanik, M., Zelazko, J., Zhou, Z., Zontar, D.
    Proceedings of Science
  • The origin of large molecules in primordial autocatalytic reaction networks
    V. Giri and S. Jain,
    PLoS One
  • Phase transitions in quantum plasmas,
    P. K. Shukla andK. Avinash
    Phys. Lett. A
  • Theory of phase separation in ultra cold neutral plasmas
    P. K. Shukla and K. Avinash
    Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
  • Order disorder investigation of hard magnetic nanostructured FePt alloy
    R. Medwal, N. Sehdev and S. Annapoorni
    Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
  • Ag assisted evolution of ordered L10 CoPt alloy nanoparticles,
    N.Sehdev, R. Medwal &S.Annapoorni,
    J.Alloys & Comp.
  • Synthesis and characterization of Au�alumina nanocomposites prepared by atom beam co-sputtering
    Manisha Tiwari, D. C. Agarwal, S. Mohapatra, J. C. Pivin, D. K. Avasthi and S. Annapoorni
    Phys.Status Solid A
  • Oxygen vacancy induced phase formation and room temperature ferromagnetism in undoped and Co-doped TiO thin films
    P., Mishra, C., Choudhary, J., Banerjee, A., Shripathi, T., Lalla, P., Annapoorni, S., Chandana Rath,
    Journal of Physics D applied Physics
  • Magnetoelectric effects in BaTiO3-CoFe2O4 bulk composites
    S. Agarwal. O. F.Caltun, and K. Sreenivas,
    Solid State Communications,
  • Hysteresis in a Solar Activity Cycle
    Suyal, V., Prasad., A., Singh, H. P
    Solar Physics
  • Symbolic analysis of slow solar wind data using rank order statistics
    Suyal, V., Prasad., A., Singh, H. P.
    Planetary Space Science
  • The role of glass-viscosity on the growth of semiconductor quantum dots in glass matrices
    R K Mishra ,A G Vedeshwar&R P Tandon
    Journal of Applied Physics
  • Room temperature trace level detection of NO2 gas using SnO2 modified carbon nanotubes based sensor
    Anjali Sharma, Monika Tomar and Vinay Gupta
    J. Materials Chemistry
  • Realization of an efficient cholesterol biosensor using ZnO Nanostructured thin film
    Neha Batra, Monika Tomar and Vinay Gupta
  • Enhanced response of Pd nanoparticle loaded SnO2 thin film sensor for H2 gas,
    Manish Verma and Vinay Gupta
    IEEE Sensors J
  • Influence of hole mobility on the response characteristics of p-type NiO thin film based glucose biosensor
    Manisha Tyagi, Monika Tomar and Vinay Gupta,
    Analytica Chimica Acta
  • Investigations on the origin of mass and elastic loading in the time varying distinct response of ZnO SAW ammonia sensor,
    V. Bhasker Raj, A.T. Nimal, Y. Parmar, M.U. Sharma &Vinay Gupta
    Sensors and Actuators B
  • A highly sensitive SnO2-CuO multilayered sensor structure for detection of H2S gas
    Manish Verma, &Vinay Gupta
    Sensors and Actuators B
  • Deposition of stress free c-axis oriented LiNbO3 thin film grown on (002) ZnO coated Si Substrate
    Swati Shandilya, Monika Tomar and Vinay Gupta
    J. Applied Physics
  • Enhanced response characteristics of SnO2 thin film based sensorsloaded with Pd clusters for methane detection
    Divya Haridas and Vinay Gupta
    Sensors & Actuators B
  • Sensing response characteristics towards H2 with Pt and Pd nanoparticles dispersed on SnO2
    Manish Verma &Vinay Gupta,
    Sensor Letters
  • Structural and Magnetic Properties of N doped ZnO thin film
    Kajal Jindal, Monika Tomar and Vinay Gupta
    J. Applied Physics
  • Fe doped ZnO thin film for mediator-less biosensing applicatio
    Shibu Saha, Monika Tomar, and Vinay Gupta
    J. Applied Physics
  • A comparative study of UV photoconductivity relaxation in zinc oxide (ZnO) thin films deposited by different techniques
    H. K. Yadav and Vinay Gupta
    J. Applied Physics
  • Piezoresponse Force Microscopy and VSM Study of Single Phased Mn Induced Multiferroic BiFeO3
    Surbhi Gupta, Anjali Sharma, Monika Tomar, Vinay Gupta, Madhuparna Pal, Ruyan Guo and Amar Bhalla
    J. Applied Physic
  • Temperature dependent dynamics of ZnO nanoparticles probed by Raman scattering A big divergence in the functional areas of nanoparticles and bulk materials
    Harish Kumar Yadav, R.S. Katiyar &Vinay Gupta
    Applied Physics Letters
  • Utilization of mass and elastic loading in oxide materials based SAWdevices for the detection of mustard gas stimulant
    V Bhasker Raj, Harpreet Singh, A. Theodore Nimal, M. U. Sharma, Monika Tomar, and Vinay Gupta
    Advanced Materials Research
  • Effect of WO3 catalyst nanoclusters towards NO2 sensing characteristics of SnO2 films
    Anjali Sharma, Monika Tomar and Vinay Gupta
    J. Nanoscience Letters
  • Fundamentals and application of ordered molecular assemblies to affinity biosensing,
    Zimple Matharu, A.J.Bandodkar, Vinay Gupta, and B.D.Malhotra,
    Chemical Society Reviews,
  • Optical properties of NiO thin films A potential material for optoelectronic devices,
    Manisha Tyagi, Monika Tomar, and Vinay Gupta
    Advanced Materials Research
  • Fe modified ZnO based mediator-less biosensor
    Monika Tomar, Shibu Saha, Kashima Arora, and Vinay Gupta
    Chemical Sensors,
  • Optical properties of the c-axis oriented LiNbO3 thin film,
    Swati Shandilya, Anjali Sharma, Monita Tomar, and Vinay Gupta,
    Thin Solid Films
  • Low temperature operating SnO2 thin film sensor loaded with WO3 micro-discs with enhanced response for NO2 gas
    Anjali Sharma, Monika Tomar &Vinay Gupta,
    Sensors & Actuators B
  • Sensitization Of Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles (MSNs) By Laser Grade Dye Acriflavin
    SurbhiKumari,P. D. Sahare, Meenakshi Gupta

  • Nd-doped ZnO as a multifunctional material,
    Surender Kumar and P. D. Sahare
    J. Rare Earth
  • Effects of annealing on the surface defects of zinc oxide nanoparticles
    Surender Kumar and P. D. Sahare
  • High Energy Radiations Dosimetry in the Space
    P. D. Sahare
    Editorial, J. AstrophysArospaceTechnol
  • Cosmic Microwave Background Trispectrum and Primordial Magnetic Field Limits����
    Trivedi,�PranjalTrivedi, T. R. Seshadri and Kandaswamy
    Physical Review Letters,
  • Carrier Localization and out of plane anisotropic magnetoresistance in Nd0.55-xSmxSr0.45MnO3 thin films
    M.K. Srivastava, Amarjeet Kaur and H.K. Singh,
    Appl. Phys. Lett.
  • Impact of substrate on magnetic phase coexistence in bicritical Sm0.53Sr0.47MnO3 thin films
    M.K. Srivastava , M.P. Singh, P.K. Siwach, Amarjeet Kaur, F.S. Razavi & H.K. Singh
    Solid State Commun
  • Electrochemical and chemical investigations of the co-polymers of 3- aminobenzenesulfonic acid with aromatic amines for their application in electrochromic devices
    R.Saharan, Amarjeet Kaur and S. K. Dhawan,
    J. Appl. Elecrochem
  • Cross correlation dynamics of the global financial indices
    Sunil Kumar andNivedita Deo,
    Phys. Rev. E
  • New results on mass measurements of stored neutron-rich nuclides in the element range from Pt to U with the FRS-ESR facility at 360�400 MeV/u
    S Kalkal, S Mandal et al.
    Physical Review C
  • New results on mass measurements of stored neutron-rich nuclides in the element range from Pt to U with the FRS-ESR facility at 360�400 MeV/u
    L Chen with S Mandal et al.
    Nuclear Physics A
  • Gel polymer electrolytes based electrical double layer supercapacitors A comparative study with multiwalled carbon nanotubes and activated carbon electrodes,
    Yogesh Kumar, G. P. Pandey, S. A. Hashmi,
    J. Phys. Chem. C
  • Evolution of ripple morphology on Si(100) by 60 keV argon ions
    S.K.Garg, V Vengopal,T.Basu, O.P Sinha, S. Rath, D. Kanjilal,andT. Som,
    Applied Surface Science
  • A New Boson with a Mass of 125 GeV Observed with the CMS Experiment at the Large Hadron Collider
    CMS Collaboration (Serguei Chatrchyan et al.),
  • Search for third-generation leptoquarks and scalar bottom quarks in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV,
    CMS Collaboration (Serguei Chatrchyan et al.),
  • Observation of Z decays to four leptons with the CMS detector at the LHC
    CMS Collaboration (Serguei Chatrchyan et al.
  • Search for heavy neutrinos and W[R] bosons with right-handed couplings in a left-right symmetric model in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV
    CMS Collaboration (Serguei Chatrchyan et al.
  • Search for heavy lepton partners of neutrinos in proton-proton collisions in the context of the type III seesaw mechanism,
    CMS Collaboration (Serguei Chatrchyan et al.
    Phys.Lett. B
  • Measurement of the relative prompt production rate of chi(c2) and chi(c1) in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV
    CMS Collaboration (Serguei Chatrchyan et al.
  • Search for electroweak production of charginos and neutralinos using leptonic final states in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV
    CMS Collaboration (Serguei Chatrchyan et al.
  • Measurement of the single-top-quark $t$-channel cross section in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV
    CMS Collaboration (Serguei Chatrchyan et al.
  • Search for resonant $t\bar{t}$ production in lepton+jets events in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV,
    CMS Collaboration (Serguei Chatrchyan et al.
  • Search for the standard model Higgs boson produced in association with $W$ and $Z$ bosons in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV
    CMS Collaboration (Serguei Chatrchyan et al.
  • Measurement of the top-quark mass in $t\bar{t}$ events with dilepton final states in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV,
    CMS Collaboration (Serguei Chatrchyan et al.
    Eur. Phys. J.
  • Measurement of the top-quark mass in $t\bar{t}$ events with lepton+jets final states in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV,
    CMS Collaboration (Serguei Chatrchyan et al.
  • Combined search for the quarks of a sequential fourth generation
    CMS Collaboration (Serguei Chatrchyan et al.
  • Search for pair produced fourth-generation up-type quarks in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV with a lepton in the final state
    CMS Collaboration (Serguei Chatrchyan et al.
    Phys.Lett. B
  • Measurement of the semileptonic charge asymmetry in $B^0$ meson mixing with the D0 detector,
    D0 Collaboration (Victor Mukhamedovich Abazov et al.)
  • Search for exclusive or semi-exclusive photon pair production and observation of exclusive and semi-exclusive electron pair production in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV
    CMS Collaboration (Serguei Chatrchyan et al.
  • Search for supersymmetry in events with b-quark jets and missing transverse energy in pp collisions at 7 TeV
    CMS Collaboration (Serguei Chatrchyan et al.
  • Study of the dijet mass spectrum in $pp \to W +$ jets events at $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV
    CMS Collaboration (Serguei Chatrchyan et al.
  • Search for three-jet resonances in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV
    CMS Collaboration (Serguei Chatrchyan et al.
    Phys.Lett. B
  • Observation of sequential Upsilon suppression in PbPb collisions
    CMS Collaboration (Serguei Chatrchyan et al.
  • Measurement of the $t\bar{t}$ production cross section in the dilepton channel in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV
    CMS Collaboration (Serguei Chatrchyan et al.
  • D0 Collaboration (Victor Mukhamedovich Abazov et al.)
    D0 Collaboration (Victor Mukhamedovich Abazov et al.)
  • Observation of a new boson at a mass of 125 GeV with the CMS experiment at the LHC
    CMS Collaboration (Serguei Chatrchyan et al.
    Phys.Lett. B
  • Combined search for the standard model Higgs boson decaying to $b \bar{b}$ using the D0 Run II data set
    D0 Collaboration (Victor Mukhamedovich Abazov et al.),
  • Evidence for a particle produced in association with weak bosons and decaying to a bottom-antibottom quark pair in Higgs boson searches at the Tevatron,
    CDF and D0 Collaborations (T. Aaltonen et al.),
  • Search for heavy Majorana neutrinos in $\mu^{\pm}\mu^{\pm} +$ jets and $e^{\pm}e^{\pm} +$ jets events in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s} =$ 7 TeV
    CMS Collaboration (Serguei Chatrchyan et al.
    Phys.Lett. B
  • Search for the standard model Higgs boson in $ZH \to \ell^+ \ell^- b\bar{b}$ production with the D0 detector in 9.7 fb$^{-1}$ of $p\bar{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=1.96$ TeV
    D0 Collaboration (Victor Mukhamedovich Abazov et al.),
  • Search for the standard model Higgs boson in the $ZH\to \nu\bar{\nu} b\bar{b}$ channel in 9.5 fb$^{-1}$ of $p\bar{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 1.96$ TeV
    D0 Collaboration (Victor Mukhamedovich Abazov et al.)
    Phys.Lett. B
  • Search for pair production of first- and second-generation scalar leptoquarks in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}= 7$ TeV,
    CDF and D0 Collaborations (T. Aaltonen et al.),
    Phys.Rev. D
  • Measurement of angular correlations of jets at $\sqrt{s}=1.96$ TeV and determination of the strong coupling at high momentum transfers,
    D0 Collaboration (Victor Mukhamedovich Abazov et al.)
    Phys.Lett. B
  • Study of the inclusive production of charged pions, kaons, and protons in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=0.9$, 2.76, and 7 TeV
    CMS Collaboration (Serguei Chatrchyan et al.
  • Search for Neutral Higgs Bosons in Events with Multiple Bottom Quarks at the Tevatron
    CDF and D0 Collaborations (T. Aaltonen et al.)
    Phys.Rev. D
  • A search for a doubly-charged Higgs boson in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV
    CMS Collaboration (Serguei Chatrchyan et al.
  • Measurement of the underlying event activity in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 0.9$ and 7 TeV with the novel jet-area/median approach
    CMS Collaboration (Serguei Chatrchyan et al.
  • Search for new physics in the multijet and missing transverse momentum final state in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV
    CMS Collaboration (Serguei Chatrchyan et al.
  • Search for supersymmetry in hadronic final states using MT2 in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV
    CMS Collaboration (Serguei Chatrchyan et al.
  • Search for a fermiophobic Higgs boson in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV
    CMS Collaboration (Serguei Chatrchyan et al.
  • Combination of the top-quark mass measurements from the Tevatron collider
    CDF and D0 Collaborations (T. Aaltonen et al.),
    Phys.Rev. D
  • Search for Higgs boson production in oppositely charged dilepton and missing energy events in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} =1.96$ TeV
    D0 Collaboration (Victor Mukhamedovich Abazov et al.)
  • Search for new physics with long-lived particles decaying to photons and missing energy in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV
    CMS Collaboration (Serguei Chatrchyan et al.
  • Search for stopped long-lived particles produced in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV,
    CMS Collaboration (Serguei Chatrchyan et al.
  • Inclusive and differential measurements of the $t \bar{t}$ charge asymmetry in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s} =$ 7 TeV
    CMS Collaboration (Serguei Chatrchyan et al.
    Phys.Lett. B
  • Shears mechanism in
    D. Negi, T. Trivedi, A. Dhal, S. Kumar, V. Kumar, S. Roy, M. K. Raju, S. Appannababu, G. Mohanto, J. Kaur, R. K. Sinha, D. Choudhury, D. Singh, R. Kumar, R. P. Singh, S. Muralithar, A. K. Bhati, S. C. Pancholi, and R. K. Bhowmik,
    Phys. Rev. C
  • Small quadrupole deformation for the dipole bands in 112In
    T.Trivedi, R.Palit et al.,
    Phys.Rev. C
  • Shape evolution in Odd-A 137Pm
    A. Dhal R. K. Sinha D. Negi T. Trivedi M. K. Raju D. Choudhury G. Mohanto S. Kumar J. Gehlot R. Kumar S. Nath S. S. Ghugre R. P. Singh J. J. Das S. Muralithar N. Madhavan J. B. Gupta A. K. Sinha A. K. Jain I. M. Govil R. K. Bhowmik S. C. Pancholi L. Chaturvedi,
  • Precursor Driven Nucleation And Growth Kinetics Of Gold Nanostars
    Abhitosh Kedia and Pandian Senthil Kumar,
    J. Phys. Chem. C
  • Measurements and coupled reaction channels analysis of one- and two-proton transfer reactions for the 28Si + 90,94Zr systems
    Sunil Kalkal ...S.Verma... et. al.,
    Phys. Rev. C
  • Search for the standard model Higgs boson in ZH?l+l?bb production with the D0 detector in 9.7 fb-1 of pp collisions at ?s=1.96 TeV, V
    Abazov, �.., M. Naimuddin, et al.,
    Phys. Rev. Lett.
  • Observation of a new boson at a mass of 125 GeV with the CMS experiment at the LHC,
    S. Chatrchyan, �.., Md. Naimuddin et al.,
    Phys. Lett. B
  • Model independent search for new phenomena in ppbar collisions at sqrt(s) = 1.96 TeV
    V. Abazov, �.., M. Naimuddin, et al.,
    Phys. Rev. D
  • Study of Final-State Radiation in Decays of Z Bosons Produced in $pp$ Collisions at7�TeV
    By CMS Collaboration (Vardan Khachatryan et al.),
    Phys.Rev. D
  • Search for long-lived particles that decay into final states containing two electrons or two muons in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s} =$ 8 TeV
    By CMS Collaboration (Vardan Khachatryan et al.),
    Phys.Rev. D
  • Limits on anomalous trilinear gauge boson couplings from $WW$, $WZ$ and $W\gamma$ production in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=1.96$ TeV
    By D0 Collaboration (Victor Mukhamedovich Abazov et al.),
    Phys.Lett. B
  • Cyclotron resonance effects on electron acceleration by two lasers of different wavelengths,
    D. N. Gupta, K. P. Singh, and H. Suk, Lasers and Particle Beams (Cambridge Press),
    Lasers and Particle Beams
  • Optical field-ionization of a neutral gas with inhomogeneous density for electron acceleration by a high-intensity laser
    D. N. Gupta,�K. P. Singh, and�H. Suk, Physics of Plasmas (American Institute of Physics
    Physics of Plasmas (American Institute of Physics)
  • Resonant third-harmonic generation of a short-pulse laser from electron-hole plasmas,
    N. Kant,�D. N. Gupta, and�H. Suk, Phys. Plasmas (American Institute of Physics),�
    Phys. Plasmas (American Institute of Physics)
  • Degradation in bulk heterojunction organic solar cells changes in electrode interface and reduction in the occupation probability of the interface states
    V. Singh, S. Arora, P.K. Bhatnagar, M. Arora and R.P. Tandon.
    Journal of Polymer Research
  • The role of glass-viscosity on the growth of semiconductor quantum dots in glass matrices.
    R.K. Mishra, A.G. Vedeshwar and R.P. Tandon.
    �� Journal of Applied Physics
  • In vitro bioactivity of surfactant template mesoporus sodium silicate glases
    C. Vaid, S. Murugavel, R. Kashyap, R.P. Tandon.
    Microporous and Mesoporous Materials
  • Crossing point phenomena (T* = 2.7 K) in specific heat curves of superconducting ferromagnets RuSr2Gd1.4Ce0.6Cu2O10-?.
    A. Kumar, R.P. Tandon, J. Wang, R. Zeng and V.P.S. Awana.
    Journal of Applied Physics
  • Optomechanical coupling between two optical cavities cooling of a micro-mirror and parametric normal mode splitting.
    Tarun Kumar, Aranya B Bhattacherjee, ManMohan Optics Communication
    Optics Communication
  • Non Degenerate Dual Atomic Parametric Amplifier Entangled Atomic Fields.
    Tarun Kumar, Aranya B. Bhattacherjee, Priyanka Verma, Narine Gevorgyan, ManMohan
    Central European Journal of Physics
  • Oscillations in Parametrically Excited excited Bose-Einstein condensate in combined harmonic and optical lattice trap
    Priyanka Verma, Aranya B Bhattacherjee and ManMohan.
  • Optical, surface and structural characterization of gold nanodots synthesized using highly energetic gold ions by hot plasma
    Naorem, B.D., Malhotra, Y., Srivastava, M.P.
    AES-ATEMA International Conference Series - Advances and Trends in Engineering Materials and their Applications
  • B decay anomalies in an effective theory
    Choudhury, D., Ghosh, D.K., Kundu, A.
    Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology
  • Constraining unparticles from top physics at the Tevatron
    Dahiya, M., Dutta, S., Islam, R.
    Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology
  • Realization of an efficient cholesterol biosensor using ZnO nanostructured thin film
    Batra, N., Tomar, M., Gupta, V.
  • Gel polymer electrolyte based electrical double layer capacitors Comparative study with multiwalled carbon nanotubes and activated carbon electrodes
    Kumar, Y., Pandey, G.P., Hashmi, S.A.
    Journal of Physical Chemistry C
  • Nanotwinning and structural phase transition in CdS quantum dots
    Kumar, P., Saxena, N., Chandra, R., Gua, V., Agarwal, A., Kanjilal, D.
    Nanoscale Research Letters
  • Remarkable enhancement in optical and thermal properties of sodium hydrogen phthalate hemihydrate crystals due to Fe 3+ doping
    Goel, N., Kumar, B.
    Journal of Crystal Growth
  • Slow highly charged ions by electrostatic deceleration
    Safvan, C.P., Rajput, J., Roy, A., Kanjilal, D., Ahuja, R.
    Journal of Physics Conference Series
  • Energetic Rydberg neutrals from water dissociation
    Rajput, J., Safvan, C.P.
    Journal of Physics Conference Series
  • Electron-Impact study of S2 molecule using the R-Matrix method
    Rajvanshi, J.S., Baluja, K.L.
    Journal of Physics Conference Series
  • Energetic Rydberg neutrals from water dissociation
    Rajput, J., Safvan, C.P.
    Journal of Physics Conference Series
  • Spectral tuning of the photoactive yellow protein chromophore by H-bonding
    Rajput, J., Rahbek, D.B., Andersen, L.H.
    Journal of Physics Conference Series
  • Higgs searches at CMS
    Kumar, A.
    Physics at LHC 2011, PLHC 2011 - Proceedings of the International Conference
  • Search for Standard Model Higgs boson using the H ? ZZ ? 2l2v channel in pp collisions at CMS
    Kumar, A., Ranjan, K.
    EPJ Web of Conferences
  • Viscosity dependant CdS nanocrystals embedded in silicate glass
    Tandon, R.P., Mishra, R.K.
    International Conference on Oxide Materials for Electronic Engineering, OMEE 2012
  • Preparation and characterization of short length ZnO nanorods and ZnO@ZnS core-shell nanostructures
    Rani, G., Sahare, P.D.
    Nano Communication Networks
  • Ion transport mechanism in glasses
    Murugavel, S.
    AIP Conference Proceedings
  • Optomechanical effects in self-organization of a Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical cavity
    Verma, P., Bhattacherjee, A.B., Mohan, M.
    Canadian Journal of Physics
  • AlZnO thin film An efficient matrix for cholesterol detection
    Batra, N., Tomar, M., Gupta, V.
    Journal of Applied Physics
  • Electrical conduction in 100 keV Kr+ ion implanted poly (ethylene terephthalate)
    Goyal, P.K., Kumar, V., Gupta, R., Mahendia, S., Anita, Kumar, S.
    AIP Conference Proceedings
  • Superconductivity and ferromagnetism in the non-oxide perovskite MgCNi3
    Kumar, A., Jha, R., Tandon, R.P., Awana, V.P.S.
    AIP Conference Proceedings
  • DBI Galileon and late time acceleration of the universe
    Sampurnanand, Sen, A.A.
    Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
  • Surface plasmon resonance based optical NOx gas sensor
    Paliwal, A., Tomar, M., Gupta, V.
    2012 International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics, PHOTONICS 2012
  • Structural, dielectric properties and electrical conduction behaviour of Dy substituted CaCu3Ti4O12 ceramics
    Kashyap, R., Mishra, R.K., Thakur, O.P., Tandon, R.P.
    Ceramics International
  • Reagentless detection of uric acid based on Iron doped Zinc Oxide matrix
    Arora, K., Gupta, V., Tomar, M.
    Proceedings of IEEE Sensors
  • Hopping conduction in bismuth modified zinc vanadate glasses An applicability of Mott's model
    Punia, R., Kundu, R.S., Murugavel, S., Kishore, N.
    Journal of Applied Physics
  • Theory of phase separation in ultra-cold neutral plasmas
    Shukla, P.K., Avinash, K.
    Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
  • Co and fe doped SnO2 nanorods by Ce co-doping and their electrical and magnetic properties
    Kaur, J., Kaur, J., Kotnala, R.K., Gupta, V., Verma, K.C.
    Advanced Materials Letters
  • First order phase transition in Sm0.53Sr0.47MnO 3 films
    Srivastava, M.K., Singh, M.P., Kaur, A., Singh, H.K.
    AIP Conference Proceedings
  • A molecular dynamics study of dust cluster explosion in a complex plasma discharge afterglow
    Avinash, K., Saxena, V., Sen, A.
    39th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics 2012, EPS 2012 and the 16th International Congress on Plasma Physics
  • Amplitude death The emergence of stationarity in coupled nonlinear systems
    Saxena, G., Prasad, A., Ramaswamy, R.
    Physics Reports
  • Spin-glass and cluster ferromagnetism in RuSr2Y1.5Ce0.5Cu2O10 magneto- superconductor synthesized by HPHT
    Kumar, A., Tandon, R.P., Awana, V.P.S.
  • Thawing versus tracker behaviour Observational evidence
    Thakur, S., Nautiyal, A., Sen, A.A., Seshadri, T.R.
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
  • Improvement in structural, dielectric, ferroelectric and mechanical properties in metal ions doped glycine phosphite single crystals
    Senthilkumar, K., Moorthy Babu, S., Kumar, B., Bhagavannarayana, G.
  • Synthesis and characterization of Au-alumina nanocomposites prepared by atom beam co-sputtering
    Tiwari, M., Agarwal, D.C., Mohapatra, S., Pivin, J.C., Avasthi, D.K., Annapoorni, S.
    Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science
  • Semiconductor laser dynamics with two filtered optical feedbacks
    Pal, V., Suelezer, J., Prasad, A., Vemuri, G., Ghosh, R.
    International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics, PHOTONICS 2012
  • Check for chirality in 102Rh
    Tonev, D., Goutev, N., Yavahchova, M.S., Petkov, P., De Angelis, G., Bhowmik, R.K., Singh, R.P., Muralithar, S., Madhavan, N., Kumar, R., Raju, M.K., Kaur, J., Mahanto, G., Singh, A., Kaur, N., Garg, R., Sukla, A., Marinov, Ts.K., Brant, S.
    AIP Conference Proceedings
  • Room temperature trace level detection of NO2 gas using SnO2 modified carbon nanotubes based sensor
    Sharma, A., Tomar, M., Gupta, V.
    Journal of Materials Chemistry
  • Solvent-adaptable poly(vinylpyrrolidone) binding induced anisotropic shape control of gold nanostructures
    Kedia, A., Kumar, P.S.
    Journal of Physical Chemistry C
  • Observation of band gap and surface defects of ZnO nanoparticles synthesized via hydrothermal route at different reaction temperature
    Kumar, S., Sahare, P.D.
    Optics Communications
  • Electric field driven fractal growth in polymer electrolyte composites Experimental evidence of theoretical simulations
    Dawar, A., Chandra, A.
    Physics Letters, Section A General, Atomic and Solid State Physics
  • Search for a SM Higgs boson in dilepton plus missing transverse energy final state with the Do detector at vs = 1.96 TeV
    Nayyar, R., Ranjan, K.
    Pramana - Journal of Physics
  • Top polarization and exploration of tt forward-backward asymmetry
    Saha, P.
    Pramana - Journal of Physics
  • Electronic states of self stabilized L10FePt alloy nanoparticles
    Medwal, R., Sehdev, N., Govind, Annapoorni, S.
    Applied Physics A Materials Science and Processing
  • Model unspecific search for new physics in pp collision at vs = 7 TeV
    Malhotra, S., Naimuddin, M., Hebbeker, T., Meyer, A., Pieta, H., Papacz, P., Schmitz, S.A., Olschewski, M.
    Pramana - Journal of Physics
  • Polarizability of screened Coulomb potential
    Bassi, M., Baluja, K.L.
    Indian Journal of Physics
  • Magneto electric effects in BaTiO 3-CoFe2O4 bulk composites
    Agarwal, S., Caltun, O.F., Sreenivas, K.
    Solid State Communications
  • Thermoluminescence and photoluminescence properties of K2Ca2(SO4)3Cu nanophosphor for gamma radiation dosimetry
    Mandlik, N., Bakare, J.S., Sahare, P.D., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dhole, S.D.
    Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics
  • Magnetoelectric coupling in multiferroic Ba(Fe0.01Ti0.99)O3nanowires
    Kaur, J., Kaur, J., Shah, J., Kotnala, R.K., Gupta, V., Verma, K.C.
    Advanced Materials Letters
  • Elucidation of Mg2+ binding activity of adenylate kinase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37/Rv using fluorescence studies
    Meena, L.S., Dhakate, S.R., Sahare, P.D.
    Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry
  • Effect of phase transition and particle size on thermoluminescence characteristics of nanocrystalline K2Ca2(SO4)/Cu+ phosphor
    Sahare, P.D., Bakare, J.S., Dhole, S.D., Kumar, P.
    Radiation Measurements
  • Structure of dipole bands in112In Through lifetime measurement
    Trivedi, T., Palit, R., Sethi, J., Saha, S., Kumar, S., Naik, Z., Parkar, V.V., Naidu, B.S., Deo, A.Y., Raghav, A., Joshi, P.K., Jain, H.C., Sihotra, S., Mehta, D., Jain, A.K., Choudhury, D., Negi, D., Roy, S., Chattopadhyay, S., Singh, A.K., Singh, P., Biswas, D.C., Bhowmik, R.K., Muralithar, S., Singh, R.P., Kumar, R., Rani, K.
    Journal of Physics Conference Series
  • ? decay of 102Y produced in projectile fission of 238U
    Bruce, A.M., Bacelar, A.M.D., Benzoni, G., Gadea, A., G�rska, M., Gottardo, A., Pietri, S., Podoly�k, Z., Valiente-Dob�n, J.J., Alc�ntara-N��ez, J.A., Al-Dahan, N., Algora, A., Alkhomashi, N., Allegro, P.R.P., Ayyad, Y., Boutachkov, P., Bowry, M., Bunce, M., Casarejos, E., Cort�s, M.L., Deo, A.Y., Domingo-Prado, C., Doncel, M., Eppinger, K., Farinon, F., Farrelly, G.F., Geissel, H., Gerl, J., Goel, N., Gr?bosz, J., Gregor, E., Haberman, T., Hoischen, R., Janik, R., Klupp, S., Kojouharov, I., Kurz, N., Lunardi, S., Mandal, S., Menegazzo, R., Mengoni, D., Naqvi, F., Nicolini, R., Nociforo, C., Pissulla, T., Prochazka, A., Prokopowicz, W., Regan, P.H., Rudolph, D., Sahin, E., Schaffner, H., Sharma, A., Sitar, B., Siwal, D., Steiger, K., Strmen, P., Szarka, I., Walker, P.M., Weick, H., Wollersheim, H.-J.
    Journal of Physics Conference Series
  • Anomalous low frequency dielectric relaxation in nanoparticles/isotropic fluid mixed ferroelectric liquid crystals
    Malik, A., Singh, G., Prakash, J., Ganguly, P., Silotia, P., Biradar, A.M.
  • Effect of 3d metal (Co and Ni) doping on the superconductivity of FeSe0.5Te0.5
    Kumar, A., Tandon, R.P., Awana, V.P.S.
    IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
  • Reorientation-effect measurement of the 21+||E2||21+ matrix element in 10Be
    Orce, J.N., Drake, T.E., Djongolov, M.K., Navr�til, P., Triambak, S., Ball, G.C., Al Falou, H., Churchman, R., Cross, D.S., Finlay, P., Forss�n, C., Garnsworthy, A.B., Garrett, P.E., Hackman, G., Hayes, A.B., Kshetri, R., Lassen, J., Leach, K.G., Li, R., Meissner, J., Pearson, C.J., Rand, E.T., Sarazin, F., Sjue, S.K.L., Stoyer, M.A., Sumithrarachchi, C.S., Svensson, C.E., Tardiff, E.R., Teigelhoefer, A., Williams, S.J., Wong, J., Wu, C.Y.
    Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
  • New isomers in the full seniority scheme of neutron-rich lead isotopes The role of effective three-body forces
    Gottardo, A., Valiente-Dob�n, J.J., Benzoni, G., Nicolini, R., Gadea, A., Lunardi, S., Boutachkov, P., Bruce, A.M., G�rska, M., Grebosz, J., Pietri, S., Podoly�k, Z., Pf�tzner, M., Regan, P.H., Weick, H., Alc�ntara N��ez, J., Algora, A., Al-Dahan, N., De Angelis, G., Ayyad, Y., Alkhomashi, N., Allegro, P.R.P., Bazzacco, D., Benlliure, J., Bowry, M., Bracco, A., Bunce, M., Camera, F., Casarejos, E., Cortes, M.L., Crespi, F.C.L., Corsi, A., Denis Bacelar, A.M., Deo, A.Y., Domingo-Pardo, C., Doncel, M., Dombradi, Z., Engert, T., Eppinger, K., Farrelly, G.F., Farinon, F., Farnea, E., Geissel, H., Gerl, J., Goel, N., Gregor, E., Habermann, T., Hoischen, R., Janik, R., Klupp, S., Kojouharov, I., Kurz, N., Lenzi, S.M., Leoni, S., Mandal, S., Menegazzo, R., Mengoni, D., Million, B., Morales, A.I., Napoli, D.R., Naqvi, F., Nociforo, C., Prochazka, A., Prokopowicz, W., Recchia, F., Ribas, R.V., Reed, M.W., Rudolph, D., Sahin, E., Schaffner, H., Sharma, A., Sitar, B., Siwal, D., Steiger, K., Strmen, P., Swan, T.P.D., Szarka, I., Ur, C.A., Walker, P.M., Wieland, O., Wollersheim, H.-J., Nowacki, F., Maglione, E., Zuker, A.P.
    Physical Review Letters
  • Redox reactions in Cu-activated nanocrystalline LiF TLD phosphor
    Singh, M., Sahare, P.D.
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
  • Temperature and frequency dependent conductivity of bismuth zinc vanadate semiconducting glassy system
    Punia, R., Kundu, R.S., Dult, M., Murugavel, S., Kishore, N.
    Journal of Applied Physics
  • ?-ray constraints on the properties of unbound 32Cl levels
    Wrede, C., Garc�a, A., Melconian, D., Triambak, S., Brown, B.A.
    Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
  • Chaotic motion of ions in polymer gel electrolytes First observations
    Chandra, A., Rawat, S., Saha, B., Prasad, A.
    Solid State Ionics
  • Photoionization Cross-Section of Chlorine-like Iron
    Aggarwal, S., Singh, J., Jha, A.K.S., Mohan, M.
    Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy
  • Percolation threshold and conductivity of polymer electrolyte composites Effect of dispersoid particle size
    Diwan, P., Chandra, A.
    Polymer Composites
  • Dilepton production in finite baryonic quark-gluon plasma
    Kumar, Y., Singh, S.S.
    Canadian Journal of Physics
  • Search for standard model higgs boson in the decay channel H ? ZZ ? l +l -q q? at CMS
    Kumar, A.
    Pramana - Journal of Physics
  • Measurement of the production cross-section of pairs of isolated photons in pp collisions at ?s = 7 TeV
    Ahuja, S.
    Pramana - Journal of Physics
  • CuO thin film based uric acid biosensor with enhanced response characteristics
    Jindal, K., Tomar, M., Gupta, V.
    Biosensors and Bioelectronics
  • Precise measurements in 19Ne? + decay
    Triambak, S.
    Physica Scripta
  • Thermoelectric probe for neutral edge modes in the fractional quantum hall regime
    Viola, G., Das, S., Grosfeld, E., Stern, A.
    Physical Review Letters
  • Detailed spectroscopy of 110Cd Evidence for weak mixing and the emergence of ?-soft behavior
    Garrett, P.E., Bangay, J., Diaz Varela, A., Ball, G.C., Cross, D.S., Demand, G.A., Finlay, P., Garnsworthy, A.B., Green, K.L., Hackman, G., Hannant, C.D., Jigmeddorj, B., Jolie, J., Kulp, W.D., Leach, K.G., Orce, J.N., Phillips, A.A., Radich, A.J., Rand, E.T., Schumaker, M.A., Svensson, C.E., Sumithrarachchi, C., Triambak, S., Warr, N., Wong, J., Wood, J.L., Yates, S.W.
    Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
  • Improving the field emission of carbon nanotubes by lanthanum-hexaboride nano-particles decoration
    Kumari, M., Gautam, S., Shah, P.V., Pal, S., Ojha, U.S., Kumar, A., Naik, A.A., Rawat, J.S., Chaudhury, P.K., Harsh, Tandon, R.P.
    Applied Physics Letters
  • Magnetic-field-induced Fabry-P�rot resonances in helical edge states
    Soori, A., Das, S., Rao, S.
    Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
  • Higgs production as a probe of anomalous top couplings
    Choudhury, D., Saha, P.
    Journal of High Energy Physics
  • Experimental investigation of shell-model excitations of 89Zr up to high spin
    Saha, S., Palit, R., Sethi, J., Trivedi, T., Srivastava, P.C., Kumar, S., Naidu, B.S., Donthi, R., Jadhav, S., Biswas, D.C., Garg, U., Goswami, A., Jain, H.C., Joshi, P.K., Mukherjee, G., Naik, Z., Nag, S., Nanal, V., Pillay, R.G., Saha, S., Singh, A.K.
    Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
  • First measurement of beta decay half-lives in neutron-rich Tl and Bi isotopes
    Benzoni, G., Morales, A.I., Valiente-Dob�n, J.J., Gottardo, A., Bracco, A., Camera, F., Crespi, F.C.L., Corsi, A.M., Leoni, S., Million, B., Nicolini, R., Wieland, O., Gadea, A., Lunardi, S., Boutachkov, P., Bruce, A.M., G�rska, M., Grebosz, J., Pietri, S., Podolyak, Z., Pf�tzner, M., Regan, P.H., Weick, H., Alc�ntara N��ez, J., Algora, A., Al-Dahan, N., de Angelis, G., Ayyad, Y., Alkhomashi, N., Allegro, P.R.P., Bazzacco, D., Benlliure, J., Bowry, M., Bunce, M., Casarejos, E., Cortes, M.L., Denis Bacelar, A.M., Deo, A.Y., Domingo-Pardo, C., Doncel, M., Dombradi, Z., Engert, T., Eppinger, K., Farrelly, G.F., Farinon, F., Farnea, E., Geissel, H., Gerl, J., Goel, N., Gregor, E., Habermann, T., Hoischen, R., Janik, R., Klupp, S., Kojouharov, I., Kurz, N., Mandal, S., Menegazzo, R., Mengoni, D., Napoli, D.R., Naqvi, F., Nociforo, C., Prochazka, A., Prokopowicz, W., Recchia, F., Ribas, R.V., Reed, M.W., Rudolph, D., Sahin, E., Schaffner, H., Sharma, A., Sitar, B., Siwal, D., Steiger, K., Strmen, P., Swan, T.P.D., Szarka, I., Ur, C.A., Walker, P.M., Wollersheim, H.-J.
    Physics Letters, Section B Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
  • Electron-impact study of the B 2 molecule using the R-matrix method
    Rajvanshi, J.S., Baluja, K.L.
    Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
  • Abashian-Booth-Crowe resonance structure in the double pionic fusion to 4He
    Adlarson, P., Augustyniak, W., Bardan, W., Bashkanov, M., Bednarski, T., Bergmann, F.S., Ber?owski, M., Bhatt, H., Brinkmann, K.-T., B�scher, M., Cal�n, H., Clement, H., Coderre, D., Czerwi?ski, E., Demmich, K., Doroshkevich, E., Engels, R., Erven, W., Eyrich, W., Fedorets, P., F�hl, K., Fransson, K., Goldenbaum, F., Goslawski, P., Grigoryev, K., Gullstr�m, C.-O., Hauenstein, F., Heijkenskj�ld, L., Hejny, V., Hinterberger, F., Hodana, M., H�istad, B., Husmann, C., Jany, A., Jany, B.R., Jarczyk, L., Johansson, T., Kamys, B., Kemmerling, G., Khan, F.A., Khoukaz, A., Kistryn, S., Klaja, J., Kleines, H., K?os, B., Krzemie?, W., Kulessa, P., Kup?, A., Lalwani, K., Lersch, D., Li, L., Lorentz, B., Magiera, A., Maier, R., Marciniewski, P., Maria?ski, B., Mikirtychiants, M., Morsch, H.-P., Moskal, P., Nandi, B.K., Niedwiecki, S., Ohm, H., Ozerianska, I., Pauly, C., Perez Del Rio, E., Petukhov, Y., Pluci?ski, P., Podkopa?, P., Prasuhn, D., Pricking, A., Pszczel, D., Pysz, K., Pyszniak, A., Redmer, C.F., Ritman, J., Roy, A., Rudy, Z., Sawant, S., Schadmand, S., Schmidt, A., Serdyuk, V., Shah, N., Siudak, R., Skorodko, T., Skurzok, M., Smyrski, J., Sopov, V., Stassen, R., Stepaniak, J., Sterzenbach, G., Stockhorst, H., Str�her, H., Szczurek, A., Tolba, T., Trzci?ski, A., Varma, R., Vlasov, P., Wagner, G.J., W?glorz, W., Wolke, M., Wro?ska, A., W�stner, P., Wurm, P., Yamamoto, A., Yuan, X., Yurev, L., Zabierowski, J., Zheng, C., Zieli?ski, M.J., Zipper, W., Z?oma?czuk, J., Zupra?ski, P.
    Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
  • Enhanced zinc ion transport in gel polymer electrolyte Effect of nano-sized ZnO dispersion
    Sellam, Hashmi, S.A.
    Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry
  • Synthesis and in vitro bioactivity of surfactant templated mesoporous sodium silicate glasses
    Vaid, C., Murugavel, S., Kashayap, R., Tandon, R.P.
    Microporous and Mesoporous Materials
  • Breit-Pauli atomic structure calculations for sulphur-like titanium
    Singh, J., Aggarwal, S., Singh, A.K., Mohan, M.
    Canadian Journal of Physics
  • Tuning of EMI shielding properties of polypyrrole nanoparticles with surfactant concentration
    Kaur, A., Ishpal, Dhawan, S.K.
    Synthetic Metals
  • Pulse shape effect of delayed pulse on non-adiabatic rotational excitation
    Arya, U., Dahiya, B., Prasad, V.
    Spectrochimica Acta - Part A Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy
  • Effect of Boron substitution on the superconductivity of non-oxide perovskite MgCNi3
    Kumar, A., Jha, R., Tandon, R.P., Awana, V.P.S.
    Solid State Communications
  • Dust cluster explosion
    Saxena, V., Avinash, K., Sen, A.
    Physics of Plasmas
  • Conductivity and electrical modulus studies of La 2-xNd xMo 1.7W 0.3O 9-? oxygen ion conductor
    Borah, L., Paik, B., Hashmi, S.A., Pandey, A.
  • Effect of an external magnetic field on a critical point for phase separation in a dusty plasma
    Avinash, K., Shukla, P.K., Merlino, R.L.
    Physica Scripta
  • Enhanced response of pd nanoparticle-loaded SnO 2 thin film sensor for H 2gas
    Verma, M.K., Gupta, V.
    IEEE Sensors Journal
  • Implications for the origin of GRB 051103 from LIGO observations
    Abadie, J., Abbott, B.P., Abbott, T.D., Abbott, R., Abernathy, M., Adams, C., Adhikari, R., Affeldt, C., Ajith, P., Allen, B., Allen, G.S., Ceron, E.A., Amariutei, D., Amin, R.S., Anderson, S.B., Anderson, W.G., Arai, K., Arain, M.A., Araya, M.C., Aston, S.M., Atkinson, D., Aufmuth, P., Aulbert, C., Aylott, B.E., Babak, S., Baker, P., Ballmer, S., Barker, D., Barnum, S., Barr, B., Barriga, P., Barsotti, L., Barton, M.A., Bartos, I., Bassiri, R., Bastarrika, M., Bauchrowitz, J., Behnke, B., Bell, A.S., Belopolski, I., Benacquista, M., Bertolini, A., Betzwieser, J., Beveridge, N., Beyersdorf, P.T., Bilenko, I.A., Billingsley, G., Birch, J., Biswas, R., Black, E., Blackburn, J.K., Blackburn, L., Blair, D., Bland, B., Bock, O., Bodiya, T.P., Bogan, C., Bondarescu, R., Bork, R., Born, M., Bose, S., Boyle, M., Brady, P.R., Braginsky, V.B., Brau, J.E., Breyer, J., Bridges, D.O., Brinkmann, M., Britzger, M., Brooks, A.F., Brown, D.A., Brummitt, A., Buonanno, A., Burguet-Castell, J., Burmeister, O., Byer, R.L., Cadonati, L., Camp, J.B., Campsie, P., Cannizzo, J., Cannon, K., Cao, J., Capano, C., Caride, S., Caudill, S., Cavaglia, M., Cepeda, C., Chalermsongsak, T., Chalkley, E., Charlton, P., Chelkowski, S., Chen, Y., Christensen, N., Chua, S.S.Y., Chung, S., Chung, C.T.Y., Clara, F., Clark, D., Clark, J., Clayton, J.H., Conte, R., Cook, D., Corbitt, T.R.C., Cornish, N., Costa, C.A., Coughlin, M., Coward, D.M., Coyne, D.C., Creighton, J.D.E., Creighton, T.D., Cruise, A.M., Cumming, A., Cunningham, L., Culter, R.M., Dahl, K., Danilishin, S.L., Dannenberg, R., Danzmann, K., Das, K., Daudert, B., Daveloza, H., Davies, G., Daw, E.J., Dayanga, T., Debra, D., Degallaix, J., Dent, T., Dergachev, V., Derosa, R., Desalvo, R., Dhurandhar, S., Di Palma, I., D�az, M., Donovan, F., Dooley, K.L., Dorsher, S., Douglas, E.S.D., Drever, R.W.P., Driggers, J.C., Dumas, J.-C., Dwyer, S., Eberle, T., Edgar, M., Edwards, M., Effler, A., Ehrens, P., Engel, R., Etzel, T., Evans, M., Evans, T., Factourovich, M., Fairhurst, S., Fan, Y., Farr, B.F., Fazi, D., Fehrmann, H., Feldbaum, D., Finn, L.S., Flanigan, M., Foley, S., Forsi, E., Fotopoulos, N., Frede, M., Frei, M., Frei, Z., Freise, A., Frey, R., Fricke, T.T., Friedrich, D., Fritschel, P., Frolov, V.V., Fulda, P., Fyffe, M., Garcia, J., Garofoli, J.A., Gholami, I., Ghosh, S., Giaime, J.A., Giampanis, S., Giardina, K.D., Gill, C., Goetz, E., Goggin, L.M., Gonzlez, G., Gorodetsky, M.L., Goler, S., Graef, C., Grant, A., Gras, S., Gray, C., Greenhalgh, R.J.S., Gretarsson, A.M., Grosso, R., Grote, H., Grunewald, S., Guido, C., Gupta, R., Gustafson, E.K., Gustafson, R., Hage, B., Hallam, J.M., Hammer, D., Hammond, G., Hanks, J., Hanna, C., Hanson, J., Harms, J., Harry, G.M., Harry, I.W., Harstad, E.D., Hartman, M.T., Haughian, K., Hayama, K., Heefner, J., Hendry, M.A., Heng, I.S., Heptonstall, A.W., Herrera, V., Hewitson, M., Hild, S., Hoak, D., Hodge, K.A., Holt, K., Hong, T., Hooper, S., Hosken, D.J., Hough, J., Howell, E.J., Hughey, B., Husa, S., Huttner, S.H., Ingram, D.R., Inta, R., Isogai, T., Ivanov, A., Johnson, W.W., Jones, D.I., Jones, G., Jones, R., Ju, L., Kalmus, P., Kalogera, V., Kandhasamy, S., Kanner, J.B., Katsavounidis, E., Katzman, W., Kawabe, K., Kawamura, S., Kawazoe, F., Kells, W., Kelner, M., Keppel, D.G., Khalaidovski, A., Khalili, F.Y., Khazanov, E.A., Kim, N., Kim, H., King, P.J., Kinzel, D.L., Kissel, J.S., Klimenko, S., Kondrashov, V., Kopparapu, R., Koranda, S., Korth, W.Z., Kozak, D., Kringel, V., Krishnamurthy, S., Krishnan, B., Kuehn, G., Kumar, R., Kwee, P., Landry, M., Lantz, B., Lastzka, N., Lazzarini, A., Leaci, P., Leong, J., Leonor, I., Li, J., Lindquist, P.E., Lockerbie, N.A., Lodhia, D., Lormand, M., Lu, P., Luan, J., Lubinski, M., L�ck, H., Lundgren, A.P., MacDonald, E., MacHenschalk, B., MacInnis, M., Mageswaran, M., Mailand, K., Mandel, I., Mandic, V., Marandi, A., Mrka, S., Mrka, Z., Maros, E., Martin, I.W., Martin, R.M., Marx, J.N., Mason, K., Matichard, F., Matone, L., Matzner, R.A., Mavalvala, N., McCarthy, R., McClelland, D.E., McGuire, S.C., McIntyre, G., McIver, J., McKechan, D.J.A., Meadors, G., Mehmet, M., Meier, T., Melatos, A., Melissinos, A.C., Mendell, G., Mercer, R.A., Meshkov, S., Messenger, C., Meyer, M.S., Miao, H., Miller, J., Mino, Y., Mitrofanov, V.P., Mitselmakher, G., Mittleman, R., Miyakawa, O., Moe, B., Moesta, P., Mohanty, S.D., Moraru, D., Moreno, G., Mossavi, K., Mow-Lowry, C.M., Mueller, G., Mukherjee, S., Mullavey, A., M�ller-Ebhardt, H., Munch, J., Murphy, D., Murray, P.G., Nash, T., Nawrodt, R., Nelson, J., Newton, G., Nishizawa, A., Nolting, D., Nuttall, L., O'Reilly, B., O'Shaughnessy, R., Ochsner, E., O'Dell, J., Ogin, G.H., Oldenburg, R.G., Osthelder, C., Ott, C.D., Ottaway, D.J., Ottens, R.S., Overmier, H., Owen, B.J., Page, A., Pan, Y., Pankow, C., Papa, M.A., Patel, P., Pedraza, M., Pekowsky, L., Penn, S., Peralta, C., Perreca, A., Phelps, M., Pickenpack, M., Pinto, I.M., Pitkin, M., Pletsch, H.J., Plissi, M.V., Podkaminer, J., P�ld, J., Postiglione, F., Predoi, V., Price, L.R., Prijatelj, M., Principe, M., Privitera, S., Prix, R., Prokhorov, L., Puncken, O., Quetschke, V., Raab, F.J., Radkins, H., Raffai, P., Rakhmanov, M., Ramet, C.R., Rankins, B., Mohapatra, S.R.P., Raymond, V., Redwine, K., Reed, C.M., Reed, T., Reid, S., Reitze, D.H., Riesen, R., Riles, K., Roberts, P., Robertson, N.A., Robinson, C., Robinson, E.L., Roddy, S., Rollins, J., Romano, J.D., Romie, J.H., R�ver, C., Rowan, S., R�diger, A., Ryan, K., Sakata, S., Sakosky, M., Salemi, F., Salit, M., Sammut, L., Sancho De La Jordana, L., Sandberg, V., Sannibale, V., Santamar�a, L., Santiago-Prieto, I., Santostasi, G., Saraf, S., Sathyaprakash, B.S., Sato, S., Saulson, P.R., Savage, R., Schilling, R., Schlamminger, S., Schnabel, R., Schofield, R.M.S., Schulz, B., Schutz, B.F., Schwinberg, P., Scott, J., Scott, S.M., Searle, A.C., Seifert, F., Sellers, D., Sengupta, A.S., Sergeev, A., Shaddock, D.A., Shaltev, M., Shapiro, B., Shawhan, P., Weerathunga, T.S., Shoemaker, D.H., Sibley, A., Siemens, X., Sigg, D., Singer, A., Singer, L., Sintes, A.M., Skelton, G., Slagmolen, B.J.J., Slutsky, J., Smith, R., Smith, J.R., Smith, M.R., Smith, N.D., Somiya, K., Sorazu, B., Soto, J., Speirits, F.C., Stein, A.J., Steinlechner, J., Steinlechner, S., Steplewski, S., Stefszky, M., Stochino, A., Stone, R., Strain, K.A., Strigin, S., Stroeer, A.S., Stuver, A.L., Summerscales, T.Z., Sung, M., Susmithan, S., Sutton, P.J., Szokoly, G.P., Talukder, D., Tanner, D.B., Tarabrin, S.P., Taylor, J.R., Taylor, R., Thomas, P., Thorne, K.A., Thorne, K.S., Thrane, E., Th�ring, A., Tokmakov, K.V., Torres, C., Torrie, C.I., Traylor, G., Trias, M., Tseng, K., Ugolini, D., Urbanek, K., Vahlbruch, H., Vaishnav, B., Vallisneri, M., Vandenbroeck, C., Van Der Sluys, M.V., Van Veggel, A.A., Vass, S., Vaulin, R., Vecchio, A., Veitch, J., Veitch, P.J., Veltkamp, C., Villar, A.E., Vorvick, C., Vyachanin, S.P., Waldman, S.J., Wallace, L., Wanner, A., Ward, R.L., Wei, P., Weinert, M., Weinstein, A.J., Weiss, R., Wen, L., Wen, S., Wessels, P., West, M., Westphal, T., Wette, K., Whelan, J.T., Whitcomb, S.E., White, D., Whiting, B.F., Wilkinson, C., Willems, P.A., Williams, H.R., Williams, L., Willke, B., Winkelmann, L., Winkler, W., Wipf, C.C., Wiseman, A.G., Woan, G., Wooley, R., Worden, J., Yablon, J., Yakushin, I., Yamamoto, K., Yamamoto, H., Yang, H., Yeaton-Massey, D., Yoshida, S., Yu, P., Zanolin, M., Zhang, L., Zhang, Z., Zhao, C., Zotov, N., Zucker, M.E., Zweizig, J., Bizouard, M.A., Dietz, A., Guidi, G.M., Was, M.
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